Saturday, September 19, 2009

1 Malaysia The Truth

What is 1 Malaysia? Many have asked since the day our PM announced it. But still many remains unclear or outright cynical to it. Literally it means one Malaysia. A pointer that Malaysia is only one not like Korea, where one have to mention it precisely, because there is two Korea.

Many have explained it and many had try to explain what it means to them. Can a mere word transformed a nation? The answer is very obvious and clear - NO . If by creating a slogan and repeating it again and again brings transformation to a people, then this is the easiest way we can bring peace to the world. By just repeating PEACE PEACE PEACE................. . You know , how many peace treaty are signed in the past and yet peace seem a far way off. The Nazis have tried it and failed. The communist have tried it and also fail. So do you think Malaysia can succeed where the mighty had failed?

Only a truthful effort from a love for truth can bring transformation to a nation. All of us are educated except a few unlucky ones in Malaysia. We all one way or another know what is right and what is wrong, but that does not translate into right actions. All because of evil, greed and wickedness. Evil because one does not love truth. Greed because of one's lust for the pleasures that wealth brings. And Wicked because only I and ME matters. Others can perished for all I care. We all know that unity is right and good . But how to achieved unity? The people will come together and work together if each one feels that it benefit him/her. That it is beneficial to all . If only each and every one feels equally treated . If only each feels that its fair and just to him/her.

You see, we human are individualistic creature first. Its always I and Me first then comes others. Economically by merely saying that all have benefited as in the past 50 years is a silly statement as not all benefited from it. And is it equally shared by all ?- No. What about
freedom . Is it fair that one is free and others are not? When one is free to preach and others are not. Is it fair? Is it just if one is charged for questioning an unfair treatment? Is it fair if only a certain jobs are for a certain people? And the list goes on. There is now a bit of unrest after 50 long years under pressure to toe the line. If you dont like it you can leave this place arogance are prevalent over the land.

Unity you see, its as simple as 1 2 3 but do all want it to happened? Untill everyone Malaysians are transformed into a Malay or Chinese or Indian or an Iban, unity has only taken a small step. Unity is still very very far away! What about equal share and benefits? What about fairness and justice? What about freedom? You see each and everyone Malaysians wants all that for himself/herself first. When that happens we have unity. For no one likes to sacrifice for others except God . For He so love each and everyone of us.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Prayer - The Answer

As the current political , cultural and religious situations in Malaysia shows, we are indeed sinking into the dark abyss of self destruction. Is there hope?

Daily we keep on hearing the same unreasonable and unfair statement again and again. How are we to progress and move forward as a matured and developed nation? its really amazing and shocking at the same time ashame of the words that came out of the mouths of our leaders. Its either racist , hate, selfish, greed ,corrupted, wicked, unjust or pure foolishness that we hear everyday. All are trying to be champion of a good cause for the people. All for the wrong reason - that is self praise and benefits. But not the truth that will set us all free and celebrate - what agreat nation Malaysia was.

Arguments, explanations and common sense seem to fall on deaf ears . The power seem not to care one bit where we are all heading to. All seem to be blinded by power and monetary gain. Its either for the power or the wealth and not a bit concerned about serving others. Where is the love for our neighbours and nation?

But not all is lost. We still have our Father in Heaven who watch over us and would listen to our pleads. Lets us all join hands and pray and talk to our God, regardless of any faith. Let us asked Him and prayed for:-
1) Wisdom. That our leaders have the wisdom to lead this nation - Malaysia.
2) Unity and love among all races and creed. That we are one joyful family.
3) Justice and fairness for all regardless of race or faith.
4) A clean, transparent and efficient system in all government departments.
5) God be the King of this nation Malaysia.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The way to unity is as simple as ABC. Yet I would be lying if only I can lead the way. The truth is I cant. Its simple but the truth is, men make it difficult, by our selfishness and greed. The way is to surrender ourselves to the truth that we are all equal before the eyes of God. And God will protect us and take care of everyone. To the atheist it is a bit difficult as he is what he is. He live all for himself alone.

But fear prevent us from surrendering ourselves to God. This makes us selfish and greedy because we think no one is going to share with us, if we were to lose our possession one day. As all think and fear the same way, nobody wants to share his hard earned possession. This way we stayed apart and are not united as we should. Now we know that it is fear that keep us apart, what can we do about it. Our government would say that everyone would be taken care off. But the fear is still there as we now fear that our government will not fulfil its promises. Back to square one again.

So all the talk about unity and peace are just our dreams. No matter how much we talk and how hard we work , its seem impossible to unite the people. If only we all are willing to sacrifices our life, then would unity and peace succeed. Mahatma Ghandhi did once though for a short while, unite the people of India some time ago. There is no other way except to trust in God. The problem is that many dont believed in God. They who are religious are not neccessary obedient to God. To believe is to obey God and to surrender all to Him. And all belongs to Him. We are to share our blessing with others less fortunate then us.

To the atheist and 'unbelieving believer' this is just foolish talk. Though they believed in equality and farness, they do not have some one who is faithful to ensure the fairness. Therefore they also would not let go and share with others. This is a trajedy that befalls mankind from the beginning of time. That is - to disobey Almighty God.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Love That Unite

To be truly united as one Malaysia is easier said than done. Yet I say its easy if only we really want it to be. All the while, what I heard from our leaders are just blank rhetoric, save just a few. Saying one thing for the sake of appeasing some is something that will make matter worst. Malaysian are more educated and knowlegeable nowadays not like before. We have the internet that review both sides of a story, not like before , where most of the printed medias and tvs are control by one party. Well this should not be a hindrance if the news are true and fairness and justice are seen.

By now (right) all should know the truth to unity as our conscience lead us. But for some hidden and some not so obscured agenda, our selfish interest are more important than peace and unity. Man are basically evil. Oop! sorry. Is only through our conciousness of God, that helps us to do good. Its a war, and the winner will save the world or destroy it. The same goes for every nations.

The truth and only way is to love one another. Unity is the fruit of love and love leads to fairness and equality for all.That leads to unity. There is no other way. Do not try to kid yourself or lie to others. If you speak contrary to love, you are a liar. If you who are evil, knows how to take good care of your children, how much more love will bring us all together.

Next: The Way

Saturday, May 30, 2009

One Malaysia One World

I have a vision. A vision of a united, developed and peaceful nation of Malaysia. Right now its just a dream. A dream of a beautiful land where the people are happy and living peacefully together like a big family. It would be a great joy to me and all Malaysian and the world. We who love peace and harmony. Right now its a dream; a dream that is possible and will surely become a reality.
What I have got to lose? A dream that is free and a vision that is real? Evil and its partners will not prevail against it. For it is planted in heaven, and growing healthily and stronger and stronger day by day. They who plot against it, will surely fail. For this is the will of God that all should live together peacefully as brothers and sisters.
Come you who are heavy laden and join me in this wonderful dream. A dream that will set all free. For if we know the truth, the truth shall surely set us free.
Don't you love a peaceful, developed and united Malaysia? Come - join me now and PRAY.